Arts Wells. Photo by: Alefa Sakakibara

Arts Wells. Photo by: Alefa Sakakibara

Carly Nabess

Hello, my name is Carly Nabess @beadedhuckleberry. I am Métis multimedia artist who creates beading and tufted watercolor landscape paintings and Métis murals. My work integrates my diverse cultural background and a diversity of mediums, from paint to beads and woodburning to ink.

Paternal Métis Lineage -My father (Gayton Nabess - Métis carver). His father, my paternal grandfather, Andre "Andy" Nabess was born in The Pas to parents William and Elizabeth Nabess née Campbell. My grandmother, Olive Nabess née O'Neil was born in The Pas Manitoba in 1935 to my greatgrandparents, Rose Delaronde from Skownan Manitoba, Treaty 2 Territory and Alvin O'Neil. My grandfather “Andy” was also born in The Pas to parents William “Bill” and Elizabeth Nabess née Campbell.

I introduce my lineage because it situates me within my Métis community and identity.